Starting from ancient times, thick, long and healthy hair was not only one of the main decorations of women, they were the protection of her child and severe colds and penetrating winds. Since then, more than a hundred years have passed, and women are trying to surprise the world with the beauty of their shiny and long curls. Nature is the real helper of the beautiful half of society in its desire to be more beautiful, offering inexhaustible and various vitamin products for hair growth and wonderful looks.
No – chlorinated water!
In fact, there are many reasons for having problems with hairstyles and skin, we all know it very well. This is a bad environment, stress, chronic fatigue, poor nutrition, low calorie diets, frequent coloring and the use of a hair dryer. But all of them (even if taken together) do as much damage as the chlorinated water we use to wash our hair. From the bleach, our hair becomes dry and brittle, the ends of the hair quickly scatter and become scattered, the dyed hair loses its color brightness very quickly.
If you do the habit of not washing your hair in the shower, but if you make it a rule to do so in the sink (filtered or at least in still water), most hair problems will go away by themselves.
Yes – Vitamin Hair Growth Products
For those who prefer vitamin products for hair growth produced in the factory, you can suggest products containing vegetable oils such as jojoba oil, olive oil, shea butter (vegetable!).
I would recommend the more affordable methods, burdock and rosemary oils. Secondly it is not difficult at all to eat at home. To do this, remove the needles from 5-6 sprigs of rosemary and heat them in a water bath containing half a glass of water and a glass of vegetable oil. The mixture should then be filtered. Apply the mixture to your hair for 15 minutes, then rinse your hair thoroughly with shampoo. Simply repeat this procedure twice a week and your hair will please its beauty.
If you use an avocado mask to look at them, gorgeous hair can be obtained. To prepare, you must crush a half-ripe “crocodile pear” with a fork, mix it with an egg yolk and a little lemon juice. After washing your hair, you should apply this miracle mask to your hair for 20 minutes – and as a result, it won’t take long.
Burdock roots (burdock or other species) are gaining strength until September and are an excellent tool for hair care. For hair growth need to grind burdock root, add the same amount finely chopped nettle leaf, add them a glass of boiling water. Thereafter, this infusion should be allowed to stand for one hour, then filtered and rubbed onto the scalp and hair before washing.
There is another option of a vitamin medication for hair growth from burdock. 2 tablespoons of crushed burdock root should be filled with 1 cup of sour milk (or whey) and kept for one day. Then apply the mask gently to the scalp and after half an hour rinse with herbs infusion (chamomile or linden blossom) to remove the sour smell, do not wash your hair with shampoo after the procedure.
Eat proteins, fats, vitamins A and E – your skin, nails and hair will be grateful.