Hair is the first person to respond to existing health problems. The first step in solving the problem is the elimination of traumatic factors and the second is the restoration of damaged hair. The choice depends on the options available for the implementation of certain procedures. Let’s focus more specifically on this.
More affordable cosmetics. The main “salvage” component in them is keratin. It is a protein protein as if it were a building material for the hair. The perming process has destroyed the protein layer to lighten and dye the hair. Hair becomes brittle and loses its elasticity. You can successfully deal with this problematic shampoo with keratin. It acts on damaged areas and forms protein deficiency.
In addition to loss of attractive appearance, itchy skin and various irritations are seen. Sea salt is coming to the rescue. Its unique composition includes zinc, iodine, magnesium, calcium. Exfoliating, with the help of sea salt, which positively affects the condition of the hair follicles, resulting in increased blood flow to the scalp, performs the excretion of dead particles of the epidermis and the effect on dandruff.
If you plan to use salt at home, follow these guidelines:
- the product must be free from sweeteners and colorants;
preferably a thin structure;
- Duration of treatment varies in 3 weeks, frequency is 3 times in 10 days.
There are many recipes for such masks, they can be easily found on the Internet. For example, we will recommend this recipe: low-fat kefir (250 ml) + sea salt (70 g) + a few drops of peppermint oil. Saturate the hair with the composition and leave for half an hour under a film and towel. Modern cosmetic products are sold with ready-made sea minerals.
Argan oil positively affects the condition of the scalp and hair. Due to the effect of fatty acids, inhibition of aging occurs. In addition to acids, vitamins E, F, A have regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties, the list of unique properties of argan oil does not end there. It also has a powerful antioxidant – squalene.
As in the case of sea salt, there are many ways that contain argan oil. Separately, oil is also purchased. Here are some recipes that use it.
It makes massage movements on palm skins with oil pouring on it. Calculate the amount enough to distribute it to your hair. Then – a known procedure for wrapping with a film and towel.
Another recipe for hair growth masks. You will need:
- castor and argan oil (1 teaspoon each);
- vitamin E (5 ampoules);
mix all of the above
- fruit juice from a lemon;
- Add vitamin A (10 drops);
- honey (clock spoon)
stir well again
The mask is applied to the hair and heated with a towel and a hair dryer. After two hours the composition should be washed without shampoo. Frequency of use – once a week.
Even in salon procedures and in special cases, surgical intervention is a more expensive way to heal hair. All of this is absolutely good, but by starting the problem at the beginning of the treatment, you can significantly reduce costs and speed up the appearance of the desired effect.